Hints And Tips
UK Chief Medical Officers’ Physical Activity Guidelines
This documents provides guidelines on how people of all different age groups with different physical conditions can get active.
Understanding Physical Inactivity Among 50-70 Year Olds
Depending on age, our body will have different needs and physical activity may not look the same. This report discusses physical activity amongst older age groups.
Move More, Eat Well
Combining regular physical activity with healthy eating only increases ones physical and mental wellbeing. This document discusses why and how.
Annual Report of the Director of Public Health for Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan 2018
This form takes you through the needs, challenges and objectives that Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan to be considered when thinking about physical activity.
An Active Travel Action Plan for Wales
Being more active does not mean hours in the gym, expensive equipment or weekly commitments. You can be more active in your every day life, through your moving habits.
Play Together Guide For Families
Admiral Play Together was created to make sure everyone has the opportunity to play with their family and friends. This guide is for families who are looking for extra tips on how to create activities at home.
Annual Report of the Director of Public Health for Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan 2018
This form takes you through the needs, challenges and objectives that Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan to be considered when thinking about physical activity.
Understanding Physical Inactivity Among 50-70 Year Olds
Depending on age, our body will have different needs and physical activity may not look the same. This report discusses physical activity amongst older age groups.
UK Chief Medical Officers’ Physical Activity Guidelines
This documents provides guidelines on how people of all different age groups with different physical conditions can get active.